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This document describes how to define a network.

To add a new network to Mask Network, you should give the definition of the network in TypeScript. The question that comes into our mind is "What does a network have to define?"

Let's go back to the blockchain. All blockchains function similarly. That is a state machine altered by transactions to transit from the current state to the next state. The user holds a keypair (wallet) to sign transactions, and a kind of token as a symbol of value to make proof of participation.

As a network, it should answer questions like:

  • How does Transaction looks like?
  • What does each Token contain?

This gives us the reason for the definition of the following concepts:

ChainIdIdentifies all subnetworks. It must be a natural number.
SchemaTypeThere is two types of tokens in Mask. But you can give more detailed information about a token, such as what specification the token to implement. E.g, ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155.
NetworkTypeThe type of a subnetwork but ignores testnets, e.g, Matic and Mumbai are the types of Polygon.
ProviderTypeThe type of wallet providers, e.g, MetaMask and WalletConnect.
BlockDefine everything in a block.
TransactionSend what kind of data as a Transaction.
TransactionDetailedThe representation of an on-chain transaction. Generally, it's the type of transaction that returns by calling getTransactions on SDK.
TransactionSignatureThe type of signed transaction. This format could be sent to the RPC provider directly.
TransactionParameterThe type of decoded transaction parameters. Learn more in the TransactionFormatter state.
Web3ProviderThe definition of the wallet provider. For Ethereum the EIP1559 defines it.
Web3The definition of the SDK library.

The complete list is too much for this document. You can refer to the source code for the complete list.


Another question is where to find those definitions of a network. The quick answer is to read SDK documentation. You will discover them by using it to create something. Sometimes, if the SDK has a TypeScript declaration file, the definitions can borrow from it directly.

Mask Network creates more complex interfaces with these basic definitions and reuse them across multi-networks. Here is the fungible token definition in Mask. With concrete types of EVM, we create a USDC token on Ethereum Mainnet.

import { ChainId, SchemaType } from '@masknet/web3-shared-evm'

export interface FungibleToken<ChainId, SchemaType> {
// fungible or non-fungible token
type: TokenType
// the protocol type that the token to adhere
schema: SchemaType
name: string,
symbol?: string
decimals: number
address: string

const USDC: FungibleToken<ChainId.Mainnet, SchemaType.ERC20> {
type: TokenType.Fungible,
schema: SchemaType.ERC20,
name: 'USD Coin',
symbol: 'USDC',
decimals: 18,
address: '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48',