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Hi, Welcome to the Mask Network. This guide will quickly take you through setting up the extension development environment.


Here is a snippet of engines requirements in the package.json of Mask Network. As you can see, NodeJS and pnpm are required at least a specific version.

We suggest you to use the latest Node.js version, and enable corepack.



The pnpm is a disk space-efficient package manager. After NodeJS is preinstalled. If you have corepack enabled, you can skip the pnpm section, pnpm is already available! If you want to setup pnpm manually, here is the installation guide from pnpm.

Now, you will need to have tools installed to start development.

pnpm install

If you encounter with error EACCES: permission denied, open...', please run chown -R $USER /pathToYourProject/Mask to solve.

Start the local development server

For Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Opera, Edge, etc.), please run pnpm start. It's preset of many development commands.

If you need to develop in other environments (for example, Firefox), please run npx dev --help to see the documentation.

Load the extension into your browser

Mask Network has a huge codebase, and it might take time to let the webpack fully startup. It outcomes the dist/ folder, which contains the unpacked source files of a development version of the Mask Network extension.

For Chrome,

  • Open chrome://extensions or Settings -> Extensions.
  • Turn on the Developer mode on the top right corner.
  • It will present a top toolbar with an action button Load unpacked on it. Click it and choose the dist/ folder to load the unpacked version of the Mask Network extension. You can drag and drop the dist folder into this page.
  • If everything goes fine. Then, the Mask Network will guide you to the setup process.

For Firefox, it's quite the same process.

  • Open about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox
  • Click the Load Temporary Add-on… and select the dist/ folder to load the unpacked extension.
  • If everything goes fine. The Mask Network will start to guide you to the setup process.


There is no difference between extension development and normal web development. In normal web development, you only have a single web page (SPA), but an extension could have more than one page.

There is an invisible "background page" running all the time and an "options page" like a normal web page. Moreover, an extension could inject "content script" into the currently visiting web page.

Debug the background page

The background page of the Mask Network extension maintains a bunch of fundamental services for front-end functions. Like Crypto Algorithm, Web3 SDKs, APIs to many third-party data providers, etc. They are stand-by all the time, once to be called for a specific task.

To debug background service, click links right after Inspect views.

An image displaying Chrome extension manage page

Debug the content script

Mask Network only injects content script with permission from the user. For every new website that Mask Network is going to support, it will show a prompt dialog to ask permission dynamically, rather than asking for all permission when the plugin is installed.

To debug content script, open the dev tools in the web page, then you can select context as the following picture describes.

An image displaying how to select Mask Network as the debug context

It's important to select the correct context when you're debugging, otherwise, you cannot access all the global variables, save as temp variables also fails.

Use React Devtools

Run the following command to start the React Devtools. It doesn't work if you install it as a browser extension.

pnpx react-devtools

And start the development by the following command:

pnpx dev --profile

Contribute your working

Git conversions

The develop branch is our developing branch, and the released branch points to the latest released version.

Your commit message should follow Conventional Commits.

Using Git