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How to remove unused locale keys?

You can you the command from the locale-kit.

 npx gulp locale-kit --remove-unused-keys

How to regenerate locale keys?

# create locales/ folders according to `.i18n-codegen.json`
npx gulp sync-languages

# regenerate i18n keys
npx gulp i18n-codegen

How to fix ERR_PNPM_FETCH_401?

It happens while installing @dimensiondev/* packages from the GitHub package. To resolve this, we need to create a personal access token and add it to the .npmrc file.

Remember to enable the read:packages permission for the access token.

With the access token, add the below statement in ~/.npmrc to avoid tracking it with git and unintentionally pushing it to public space.


The pnpm-lock.yaml not working on GitHub CI.

npx gulp fix-localfile

How to resolve merge conflicts in pnpm-lock.yaml?

Merge the target branch into yours and never mind those conflicts in pnpm-lock.yaml. And checkout the file to be the one on the target branch to revert changes your branch took in. Then run pnpm install to up the lockfile to date.

E.g., your feat/fantasy branch conflicts with the develop branch.

> git branch --show-current

# merge the develop branch and never manually handle the conflicts in lock file
> git merge develop

# check out the lock file from the base branch
> git checkout develop -- pnpm-lock.yaml

# update the lockfile
> pnpm install

Why my Git hooks don't work?

npx husky install # on the project root directory

How to fix cspell errors in CI?

This project uses cspell for checking typos. You can add unlisted words into cspell.json to bypass cspell checking. After you update the configuration file, you could run checking locally before pushing it to make sure your patch is working.

npx cspell lint pattern_that_match_your_files

# e.g. check spell of the RSS3 plugin
npx cspell lint ./packages/plugins/RSS3/**/*

Learn more: cspell.json

Why were my components rendered many times?

All components should working in Strict Mode and React 18 new Strict Effects.

If you found your code not working correctly, please read the documentation above. In addition, you can comment out <StrictMode /> temporarily to verify if it is a problem with your component not supporting Strict Mode.

DO NOT remove <StrictMode />.

How to download CI builds?

MaskNetwork.base.zipThe default build, currently is the same as the Chromium build.
MaskNetwork.chromium-beta.zipBuild for Chromium-based browsers with some insider features turned on.
MaskNetwork.chromium.zipBuild for Chromium-based browsers
MaskNetwork.firefox.zipBuild for Firefox
MaskNetwork.gecko.zipBuild for Android native Mask app
MaskNetwork.iOS.zipBuild for iOS native Mask app

You can download these builds in two places.

How to resolve "No CORS Headers" problem

Please contact the service maintainer to add CORS headers, the extension will send requests in the following origins:


The Chromium extension has a fixed id, but only on production mode. And the Firefox browser will set a new id each time it boots an extension. So, in summary, it's better to allow all origins which match the regexp below.


If you cannot reach the service maintainer another workaround is to use a proxy server to add CORS headers. To enable it try to change the request URL into[url].

// before

// after

How to clear the local settings?

Open the background.html of the extension and execute the following scripts in the console.

How to use a testnet?

After building connections with a wallet provider, you can switch to a testnet with it. The Mask Network will keep listening to the chainChanged event from the provider. In development mode, the <ChainBounday /> component will allow the user to access with testnets. Conversely, in the production mode. It will present a forbidden UI to prevent from using testnets.

How many npm scopes controlled by the Mask Network team?

We controlled the following npm scopes.